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"My Super-Bus" • MOE Kindergartens


Ever thought of engaging children in problem solving using everyday situations? How can you help children to present their solutions in a creative way? 

In this lesson idea, find out how you can use buses, a form of public transport familiar to children, to bring out their inventiveness and imagination as they suggest ways to resolve some of the difficulties they face while riding it. Children will have opportunities to explore THREE learning areas through an integrated approach in this learning experience.

Learning Areas

Learning Goals

Aesthetics & Creative Expression (A&C)

LG3: Create art and music and movement using experimentation and imagination

Discovery of the World (DOW)

LG2: Find out why things happen and how things work through simple investigations

Language & Literacy (L&L)

LG2: Speak to convey meaning and communicate with others

Refer to the Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Framework, pp. 65 – 107, for more information on the learning areas and learning goals

Learning Objectives

Children will be given opportunities to:

  1. Talk about similarities and differences between buses in the past and present based on their observations from photographs
  2. Create 3-dimensional artworks from imagination

#1 Playing a guessing game

Spark children’s interest by playing a guessing game with them.


1. Give the children clues about the mystery object. Have them draw the object as it is being described. 

        For example: 

        Provide the children with paper and drawing materials. Give the following clues and give the children time to draw the object         as it is            being described: 

      • I have four big wheels.
      • I have many windows.
      • I have two doors.
      • I can carry many people from one place to another.
      • I have a bell.  What am I?

Getting the children to listen to the clues in order to draw and guess the object helps raise their awareness of the different parts of a bus.

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Children drawing the object as they listen to the clues

2. After revealing the answer to the guessing game, have the children explore and find out more about the object. 

For example, pass a toy bus around for the children to observe the different parts of the bus. Sing the song “Wheels on the Bus” with actions together with the children. Take the opportunity to introduce the different parts of the bus (e.g., wheels, doors, wipers and bell) or ask them questions to encourage them to talk about the functions of the different parts of the bus. 

Examples of questions include: 

    • What do you think the wipers are for? When do you see them working?
    • Why is there a bell on the bus? Have you used it before? What did you use it for?

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Children observing different parts of the toy bus


#2 Talking about their personal experiences

Give the children opportunities to talk about their personal experiences of taking the public transport and problems they may have encountered while riding it.


1. Provide a stimulus, using it to generate discussion among the children. Record their responses using a graphic organiser such as a Venn          Diagram.

The Venn Diagram is a useful graphic organiser that helps children compare and contrast things. Refer to NEL Educators’ Guide Volume 3 (page 41 – 42) for more information and examples of graphic organisers.

For example, show photographs of buses in the past and in the present. Get the children to compare and talk about the similarities and differences between them based on their observations.

Examples of questions:

    • Based on the pictures, what can you tell about buses in the past?
    • What about buses in the present?
    • How are buses in the past the same as/different from buses today?

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A Venn Diagram showing similarities and differences between buses in the past and present in Singapore

2. Encourage the children to recount their personal experiences of taking the public transport.

For example, get the children to talk about their experiences of taking the bus and problems they faced (e.g., insufficient seats for everyone and trouble getting on a crowded bus). Make a list of the problems based on their responses.

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Sharing their personal experiences of taking the bus and problems they faced

#3 Creating their own “super-bus”

Have the children suggest different ways of solving the problems they encountered. Allow them to bring their solutions to “life” by creating a 3-dimensional model.


    • For example, encourage the children to suggest different ways of solving the problems by showing openness to their ideas and solutions. Use this opportunity to nurture the learning disposition of “inventiveness”.

Refer to “Nurturing Learning Dispositions: Curriculum Resources for Kindergartens” for more information on the learning disposition of “inventiveness”.

    1. Have the children think about what their “super-bus” would look like. Get them to sketch their bus from imagination and encourage them to add details to their sketches.

    2. Provide a variety of recyclable materials. Get the children to refer to their sketch and use the materials to create a 3-dimensional model of their bus.

    3. Invite the children to show the 3-dimensional model of their bus. Encourage them to talk about their bus, focusing on the features that make it a better bus for everyone.

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A 3-dimensional model of a “super-bus”