Home > Teaching and Learning > Use of ICT > Guiding Principle 1

Guiding Principle 1

What is it?

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Why is it important?

Learning through concrete and sensory experiences that promote quality interactions is essential to children’s learning and development. Hence, the use of ICT should complement children’s real-life exploration, outdoor activities, play and social interactions as this would have a positive impact on children’s holistic development.

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How can you apply it?

If you wish to make use of ICT for teaching and learning, you can apply GP1 in the following ways:
  • Align the use of ICT to the activity’s learning objectives.
  • Use ICT if it enhances or adds value to children’s  learning experiences 
  • Select applications, software or technological toys that give options and choices to children to provide open-ended learning experiences for them. 
  • Encourage children to share an ICT tool or resource to promote social interaction and collaboration between them. 
  • Create a positive learning environment where children can make mistakes and seek help

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In this activity, the children video-recorded themselves sharing about their favourite local food as they developed their confidence in speaking Mandarin. The use of the video-recording aimed to complement children’s learning experiences in developmentally appropriate ways.

Children sharing about their favourite local food
Children video-recording their friends' sharing

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