
Values serve as a compass that guides children in their daily interactions and decisions. Children who are guided by a strong set of core values grow up to be citizens of good character who can contribute positively to their family, community and Singapore. 

The four values identified by the Framework are Respect, Responsibility, Care and Honesty.


What does it mean?
Children who are respectful:
  • Are courteous in their words and actions towards others
  • Recognise and are appreciative of the support provided by their family, teachers, friends and people in the community

Why is it important?
Being respectful helps children recognise the intrinsic worth of all people, appreciating and accepting them for who they are, regardless of where they come from and what they are capable of doing.


What does it mean?
Children who are responsible:
  • Take pride in what they do
  • Are motivated to see things through
  • Do not make excuses or blame others when things go wrong

Why is it important?
Being responsible helps children to be dependable. They keep promises and accept the consequences for what they say and do. 


What does it mean?
Children who are caring:
  • Choose kind words and actions when playing or working with others
  • Show kindness and concern for others
  • Offer help to their friends and others in need

Why is it important?
Being caring helps children to look out for others, understand their needs and show empathy.


What does it mean?
Children who are honest:
  • Tell the truth 
  • Bravely accept the consequences of their actions
  • Are willing to learn from their mistakes

Why is it important?
Being honest helps children to know that being truthful is the right thing to do, even when being honest may upset or anger others.