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Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning
The early years are crucial for children’s holistic development. As a pre-school educator, you play an important role in nurturing the children and building a strong foundation for their future learning.
The NEL Framework
At the centre of the NEL Framework is our beliefs that children are joyful, curious, active and competent learners. They play, learn and grow with others in a diverse and multicultural community.
Underpinning the holistic development of children are the values, social and emotional competencies and learning dispositions, as well as the key knowledge, skills and dispositions in the five learning areas.
The effective support teachers provide children in their learning and development is key and central to the NEL Framework. The six iTeach principles for quality teaching and learning constantly guide teachers in planning, designing and facilitating meaningful and appropriate learning experiences for the children.
These learning experiences will lay a strong foundation to help them achieve the Key Stage Outcomes of Preschool Education and develop the competencies that are aligned with the Desired Outcomes of Education.